
Experiential Design / Task 2

28.08.24 - 27.11.24 / Week 05 - Week  Name: ALYSSA AISYAH BINTI 'ARIEF NASRAN (0364017) Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Creative Media Experiential Design (MMD60204)  INSTRUCTIONS   TASK 2 Exercises Before starting on task 2, we were taught on how we could create a markerless AR experience Proposal Fig 1.0 Initial Proposal Ideas   Fig 1.1 Final Proposal PDF Fig 1.1 Final Proposal Video REFLECTION -

Application Design / Class Activity

20.05.24 - 24.05.24 / Week 05 Name: ALYSSA AISYAH BINTI 'ARIEF NASRAN (0364017) Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Creative Media Application  Design  (DST60504)  INSTRUCTIONS    CLASS ACTIVITY Card Sorting For our first Class Activity on week 5, we were required to bring sticky paper in order to carry out our class activity which consisted of the task of sorting cards according to the category that they belonged to. Topic Travel Planning Mobile App Scenario You are designing a mobile app that helps users plan and organise their travel itineraries efficiently. Purpose The travel planning app is designed to help users plan their trips, organise itineraries, and manage travel details in a convenient and interactive way. Goals

Experiential Design / Task 1

28.08.24 - 27.11.24 / Week 01 - Week 4 Name: ALYSSA AISYAH BINTI 'ARIEF NASRAN (0364017) Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Creative Media Experiential Design (MMD60204)  INSTRUCTIONS   TASK 1 Exercises For Task 1 of Experiential Design, we were given series of exercises that explore the current, popular trend in the market to give us a better understanding of the technologies and the knowledge in creating content for those technologies.  The requirements are the following: To complete all exercises to demonstrate understanding the development platform fundamentals. Exercise 1 + Activity 1 Exercise 1 In our first exercise, we had to look a set of images and identify what type of XR experience it was by determining whether it was AR or MR. Fig 1.0 1st Im

Game Studies

Application Design I / Project 1 : Mobile Application Proposal

28.08.24 - 27.11.24 / Week 01 - Week 4 Name: ALYSSA AISYAH BINTI 'ARIEF NASRAN (0364017) Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Creative Media Application  Design  (DST60504)  INSTRUCTIONS    PROJECT 1 Mobile Application Proposal For Task 1 of Application Design, we are required to create a proposal documentation for a mobile application project by first finding three company apps that we believe could benefit from enhancements in their design and create a draft proposal, then, after review, we are to focus on one chosen application and center our final proposal documentation based on it to serve as the basis for the future redesigning of the existing app in what we find unsatisfactory in terms of the user experience or interface design.  Phase 1 For the first phase of the project, we must choose 3 company apps and identify all existing drawbacks in the app and propose potential solutions to them. We must also attach company i

Intercultural Design

Name: ALYSSA AISYAH BINTI 'ARIEF NASRAN (0364017) Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Creative Media Intercultural Design (GCD61304) / Section 1 INSTRUCTIONS    PROJECT 1 Proposal For the continuous assessment of Intercultural Design, we have been broken up into groups to study a chosen cultural phenomenon, or a particular subculture that is perceived as ‘sensitive’, and “frame” our study within the chosen theme. The general theme is “Cultural Sensitivity in Design”  In the first phase of this continuous assessment (Project 1), we must come up with a proposal to concretise ideas, supported by research, for a final design revolving a given theme that reflects our understanding and interpretation of global issues and design aesthetics. The following requirements are as follows: Convey this cultural aspect without altering the

Design Principles / Final Compilation

06.02.24  - 21.03.24  / Week 1 - Week 7 Name: ALYSSA AISYAH BINTI 'ARIEF NASRAN (0364017) Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Creative Media Design Principles ( GCD60804 ) / Section 1 FINAL COMPILATION Task 1  Link to Task 1 - Exploration Task 2  Link to Task 2 - Analysis Task 3  Link to Task 3 - Design Fig 1.0 Alyssa_Eyerony_Task 3 Blog Post PDF + JPEG of Final Design Link to Folder REFLECTION In this module, I've learnt about the many different kinds of design principles, how they can be identified, how they be re-created, and have learnt to be more aware, conscious, and observant of the principles when creating or analysing design. What I enjoyed the most from this module was the opportunity for expansive analysis as it allowed me to delve in deep into the potential meanings and explanations for a design, I enjoy meaningful design so to deconstruct a piece and unravel its message was very interesting and insightful for me. What I most did not enjoy was how labourous the entire proc