
Application Design II

Game Development

25.9.24 / Week 1 Name: ALYSSA AISYAH BINTI 'ARIEF NASRAN (0364017) Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Creative Media Advanced Typography (GCD61004) / Section 1 LECTURES Week 1 INSTRUCTIONS    EXERCISE 1 Our first exercise is to critically analyze a past students game, pointing out and highlighting what we like and dislike from the game, areas of success/improvement, and overall thoughts on the game. Reaper Test The game I chose to review is Reaper Test. Upon first impressions of the game, it looks nice. The visuals are pretty, cohesive to the theme, and clean. For a game called "Reaper Test" all the visuals match the kind of aesthetic id expect out of a game with that name, the colour palette and art style is suitable and charming. Fig 1.0 Start Screen The first criticism I have for the game is the grammar for the writing. The game first gives some backstory to the premise of the game (which is to complete the reaper's trial in order to become a reaper themselves in the aft

Minor Project

Experiential Design / Final Project

Week 11 - Week 15 Name: ALYSSA AISYAH BINTI 'ARIEF NASRAN (0364017) Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Creative Media Experiential Design (MMD60204)  INSTRUCTIONS   TASK 3 Final Project For the final Project of Experiential Design we are to continue building our app until completion and present a walkthrough of our app, showcasing its functionalities and features. Process All I had left to do was the tint/tone/shade feature, the rest of the multi-target image instances, and the quiz.  First, I started on the rest of the multi-target image instances. As I had completed purple+yellow, and red+blue, all there was left to do for the complementary colour scan was: green+red, orange+blue, and for the colour mixer: blue+yellow, yellow+red. For this, I could copy the code I created before but edit the names and then simply link them together in the MenuManager like how I had done before.  Fig 1.0 Remaining Colour Mixer De

Application Design I / Final Project

15.07.24 - 05.08.24 / Week 13 - Week 15 Name: ALYSSA AISYAH BINTI 'ARIEF NASRAN (0364017) Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Creative Media Application  Design I  (DST60504)  INSTRUCTIONS    LECTURES Week 14 FINAL PROJECT Completed Mobile Application Design Prototype For the final project of Application Design I, we are required to continue from the Lo-Fi prototype we created and turn it into a High-Fi prototype by refining and creating further visual assets for it as well as include a UI kit. Process As I had completed most of the design and functionality in the previous project, all that was left to do was incorporate my user-testing feedback, colour my prototype, and test it myself with the refined user scenarios + full walkthrough. I first started on recolouring my wireframes. From the results of