Digital Photography and Imaging / Project 2: Photo Imaging and Poster Design

24.04.23 - 29.05.23 Week 4 - Week 9
Digital Photography and Imaging (GCD61204) / Section 1


Lectures can be viewed here



Double Exposure

Project 2A: Exercise 1 - Double Exposure

Double exposure is a technique that combines two different exposures or images that are layered on top of each other. The image overlaid is less than full opacity so a bit of both images can be seen producing an almost ghost-like image. As part of Exercise 1 Project 2A, we were tasked to create a double exposure image based on the pictures given and tutorial demonstrated.


Fig 1.0 Masking and Contrast

I first started out by masking the image silhouette using the magic wand tool, going into select and mask, and further refining my selection from there, then I adjusted the contrast of the image.

Fig 1.1 Adding Forest and Foreground Colour

This is then followed by the addition of the foreground colour and forest, making sure the forest masks properly with the silhouette.

Fig 1.2 Duplication + Mirroring of Forest and Adding Birds 

Next, I then duplicated the image of the forest and mirrored from the bottom and added in the birds.

Fig 1.3 Multiple Blending Mode and Adding Gradient Map Fill

For the last step, I then added in the clouds and applied the multiple blending mode onto them, and then added a gradient map fill to tie the image together.

Final Double Exposure

Fig 1.4 Final Double Exposure

Your Own Double Exposure

Project 2A: Exercise 2 - Your Own Version Double Exposure

In the 2nd part of Project 2, we must create a self-double exposure image using our own portrait selfie, and images online of our choice.

I first started off by taking a photo of myself from a side angle with my hair up as it would be easier to edit in photoshop with the images and to have a silhouette-based composition that would be easy to identify even when the other images are overlapped.

Fig 1.5 Self-Portrait

I then went online to look for pictures to create the double exposure with and decided on these images.

Fig 1.6 Image 1, Mountain

Fig 1.7 Image 2, Birds

Fig 1.8  Image 3, Birds

Once I had collected all my images I then went into Photoshop and started composing my double exposure image. I first started off by placing the self portrait into the program and then removing the background using the magic wand tool and correcting some minor errors by going into the masking and erasing them manually.

Fig 1.9 Progress Masking

After removing the background, I then added the mountain onto my picture to create the double exposure effect, adjusting the opacity as well. This is also followed by adjusting the colours of the portrait and background to have a more synonymous tone with one another.

Fig 2.0 Creating Double Exposure

I then erased some parts of the mountain and my own portrait in the shoulder area along with my hair to create a smooth blended effect as it merged with my picture and added in the birds as well at the top where the clouds appear.

Fig 2.1 Blending and Adding Birds

Finally, I rendered the whole picture by adjusting some of the double exposure blending with the clouds and my portrait, and making minor adjustments to the elements such as the birds to ensure the whole picture looked harmonious.

Fig 2.2 Rendering of Photo

Final Own Version Double Exposure

Fig 2.3 Final Own Version Double Exposure JPG

Fig 2.4 Final Own Version Double Exposure PDF

Poster Design

For Project 2B, we are to create a digital imaging poster by participating in the MyTiger Values Art and Design Competition which revolves around integrating the TIGER values with one of the 12 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) listed.

The requirements are the following:
  • Size A1, 84.1 x 59.4 cm (Vertical)
  • Submission format 300 dpi JPEG
  • High Quality images

We were tasked to conduct research about our chosen theme (SDG) and gather all the relevant information surrounding it in order to help us create the poster, thus I went on to look into the 12 SDGs and have chosen Clean Water and Sanitization as my theme.

This SDG is about ensuring universal access to safe and affordable drinking water, sanitation and hygiene, and ending open defecation. The targets include:
  • achieving universal and equitable access to safe and affordable drinking water.
  • access to adequate and equitable sanitation and hygiene for all while also ending open defecation improving water quality by reducing pollution.
  • eliminating dumping and minimizing release of hazardous chemicals and materials.
  • substantially increasing water-use efficiency to ensure sustainable withdrawals & supply of freshwater to address water scarcity across all sectors.
  • implementing integrated water resources management at all levels including through transboundary cooperation as appropriate protect and restore water-related ecosystems, including mountains, forests, wetlands, rivers, aquifers and lakes.
  • expanding international cooperation and capacity-building support to developing countries in water sanitation related activities/programmes. 

While there are many targets I could choose from to expand on in the poster, I specifically have chosen to create a poster that highlights the importance and value of water as the many SDG goals above can be summed up to that single topic, therefore being able to target all of them at once and raising awareness about the crucial role water plays in every goal through an all-encompassing impactful poster.

Mood Board

First off, I created a mood board with posters relevant to my theme in order to have a reference, gain ideas, and inspire me in creating the poster.

Fig 2.5 Mood Board of 3 Posters


After conducting further research and referencing to images online regarding my theme and some visualizing, I then created 2 sketches to base the poster on. The grey blocks are meant to represent the text that I plan to add into the poster.

Fig 2.6 Sketch 1

Fig 2.7 Sketch 2

After some evaluation and comparisons between the two, I decided to go with the 2nd sketch as it had more symbolism attached to it and was an overall much better concept in portraying the idea I envisioned for the poster. Once I had finalized my choice, I then started to gather the images online to use for the poster which are pictured below.

Fig 2.8 Faucet

Fig 2.9 Hand

Fig 3.0 Water Droplet

Fig 3.1 Earth

Fig 3.2 Sky

When I had gathered all my images, I then went into Photoshop to start creating the poster. I first positioned the main elements of the poster (faucet, water droplet, hand)  based on where I had placed them in my sketch. I then removed the background for all of them using the quick selection and magic wand tool as well as adjusting some imperfections in the masking layer manually with the brush tool, erasing or adding accordingly until it looked neat and cropped precisely.

Fig 3.3 Position Elements and Cropping

After, I then placed the image of the earth onto the water droplet and stretched the image out as I wanted the continents to show and be distributed evenly on the droplet, I have also lowered the opacity and used a clipping mask in order to superimpose the image onto the droplet and made sure to repeat the same steps for the water stream of the faucet image as I wanted it to look like 1 whole image to maintain consistency and sensibility as if the droplet truly came from the faucet.

Fig 3.4 Masking Earth onto Water Droplet

Then, I placed the image of the sky as the background and added a glow effect around the droplet to emphasize it as an element. Additionally, I also feathered out the main elements (faucet, water droplet, hand) around the edges in order for the cropping not to look so harsh.

Fig 3.5 Adding Background and Glow

Lastly, I added the tagline text in "Every Drop Counts, save water save life" and made duplicates of them with the contrasting colours from the background image to create a 3D shadow effect and a white border around the poster to balance out the white text, I have also separated them with a line and differentiated the information based on size and lowercase vs uppercase to demonstrate information/visual hierarchy. As a final touch, I have also adjusted the poster with colour correction in order to have balance in the colours.

Fig 3.6 Adding Text and Rendering

Final Poster Design

Fig 3.7 Final Poster Design JPG

Fig 3.8 Final Poster Design PDF


This poster is designed to emphasize the critical significance of water conservation and raise awareness about the importance of preserving it through the central illustration/image showcasing a drop of water with the image of the Earth inside of it to symbolize the Earth as a whole and the water resource it provides us, while it gently descends from a faucet. The drop is prominently featured with a glow around it to highlight its significance and vulnerability and beneath it, a palm is extended, representing life and the urgent need to protect and conserve it as it is an important part of the cycle of life- thus the title and subheading in the poster, Every Drop Counts, Save water, Save life, the size difference and caps vs lowercase in text between them is also to demonstrate information hierarchy and contrast.

The double exposure assignment was interesting as I had not known about the technique before and found it very visually appealing as there were many ways to do it with each process producing a very dream-like unique image, it was fun to experiment with image layering and blending to see how the double exposure effect could be created.

The poster design was quite tedious as we had another module having us participate in the competition as well, having to create two unique designs with different concepts for each one was especially challenging for me as I felt a bit overwhelmed, however in the end it was very informational as the research and creation of this poster has made me more aware about the issues regarding clean water and sanitization as well as the other global issues the sdgs aim to bring awareness to, and I am more careful and thoughtful when creating a design tackling an issue such as this since it needs to be represented accurately, with impact, while also maintaining sensitivity. 


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