Interactive Design / Final Compilation
28.08.23 - 27.11.23 / Week 01 - Week 14
Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Creative Media
Interactive Design (GCD60904) / Section 1
Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Creative Media
Interactive Design (GCD60904) / Section 1
Web Analysis
Fig 1.0 Web Analysis
Web Replication
Fig 1.1 Final Web Replication Ocean Health Index PNG
1.4 Final Web Replication Morgan Stanley PDF
Recipe Card
Project 1
Prototype Design
Project 2
Working Web Page
Final Project
Single Page Website for Your Favourite Artist
Fig 1.9 Single-page Website For Your Favourite Artist
This module taught me a lot in learning how to manage UI/UX effectively. It is not only the design that must work, but the backend of it as well, following the key design principles really do prove useful in designing a successful layout or website. The assignments have deepened my understanding of thoughtful information organization in design. Using HTML and CSS was quite fun too, I have always liked coding, since I took it in highschool as well, so getting a chance to do it in my studies were fun for me. However, I also learned how difficult it can be- especially when troubleshooting bugs and debugging, the code had to be precise as even one wrong letter posed issues in responsiveness in showing up properly on the site, so it challenged me and enhanced my problem-solving skills. The final project involved leveraging my accumulated knowledge to create a fully functioning site. Testing and refining the site highlighted the challenges and rewards of coding, I was very happy to have been able to have made a fully responsive image carousel especially, and am pleased with the overall design of the site. Overall, I am glad to have gained lots of new coding knowledge in this module and given the chance to create sites I am proud of. It has left me with a big sense of accomplishment and I hope to further enhance my technical skills in coding in the future as I progress as a UI/UX designer.
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