Video & Sound Production / Final Compilation

29.08.23 - 28.11.23 / Week 01 - Week 14
Video and Sound Production (VSP60104) / Section 1




Project 1

Audio Dubbing

Fig 1.0 Final Audio Dubbing

Sound Shaping

Phone Call:

Fig 1.1 Phone Call MP3

Inside of a Closet:

Fig 1.2 Inside of a Closet MP3


Fig 1.3 Toilet/Bathroom MP3

Underground Cave:

Fig 1.4 Underground Cave MP3


Fig 1.5 Alien/Orc MP3

Project 2

Production Shoot

Fig 1.6 Final Production Shoot MP4

Tiktok/Insta Video

Fig 1.7 Final TikTok/Insta Video MP4

Final Project

Stop Motion

Fig 1.8 Final Stop Motion Video "A Sweet Surprise" MP4


Throughout the semester, I was going through quite a difficult period in my life having the deal with an illness that had become progressively worse as the semester progressed, so it was challenging to juggle studies and my health at the same time, though I tried my best to. The assignments in audio dubbing and sound shaping really highlighted the intricate process of audio-video synchronization and sound editing to me, finding suitable sounds to match visual actions were not easy, and some required creative problem-solving. The second project when it came to the production went well, so I had no issues there, but when it came to project 2b (Tiktok/Insta Video) it was tough creating a narrative from scratch and then acting it. The final project was the most meticulous since it required lots of patience, moreso than any other assignment. Despite the hurdles, the course was ultimately rewarding, as it provided me with valuable insights and enhanced my skills in video and sound editing and production. I hope to further foster these skills in the future and have a chance to utilize them again.


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