Experiential Design / Project 2

22.05.24 - 05.05.24 / Week 05 - Week 07
Experiential Design (MMD60204)





Before starting on project 2, we were taught on how we could create a markerless AR experience. I first started a new project and added in the Vuforia package. Then, I added in Plane Finder and Ground Plane from the Vuforia options and made the Ground Plane Stage as an anchor stage for Plane Finder by dragging and dropping it in the Plane Finder's Content Positioning Behaviour (script).

I then proceeded to add in a Cube which would be the child of the Ground Plane Stage, I did this as only images could appear on the ground plane when recorded. To demo the cube, the camera must be turned on and activated in the program by clicking on the scan box.

Fig 1.0 Setting Ground Plane Stage + Plane Finder

Fig 1.1 Adding Cube + Demo of Cube Markerless Experience

Then, we were tasked to display a piece of furniture instead for our markerless experience. I chose a free 3D asset of a chair and replaced my cube with it. 

Fig 1.2 Adding Chair Asset

Fig 1.3 Demo of Chair Markerless Experience

 Experience Design Project Proposal

For Project 2 of Experiential Design, based on initial idea discussions, we are required to come up with an experience design project from a subject/topic of our choice which can be anything from screen experience to physical space experience. Then, we are required to create a design proposal document that explains our project idea and how will the experience be
for the user, and the proposal should contain analysis of the current experience, comparison with similar solutions and how it can be better, and a mock design of how the final outcome should be from the user’s perspective.

I first came up with 5 different initial ideas for proposal. 
  • AR Chef
  • AR Glasses Try-On 
  • AR Binary Translator
  • AR Geometry Shapes Learning
  • AR Colour Learning
Fig 1.4 Proposal Ideas

Then, after reviewing my ideas and discussion with Mr Razif, we had settled on the 'Colour Learning AR' experience. From there, I went on to create my finalised proposal for it.

Project Proposal

Fig 1.5 Project Proposal PDF

Project Proposal Presentation

Fig 1.6 Project Proposal Presentation


This project taught me of the capacities and limitations of the current AR technology we have now and the importance of AR directly solving a need or problem in the market and real world. Ideas should have more application in practice, and not every idea can translate that well into AR as there are still considerations we must look at to effectively gauge the realistic use and translation of something. I also have come to understand how important designing from the user's perspective is, as in the end, they will be the ones using the app and having the experience- so creating the journey map and user persona's proved to be more useful than previously thought.


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