Application Design I / Project 2

29.04.24 - 02.05.24 / Week 02 - Week 07
Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Creative Media
Application Design (DST60504)




Week 5

Week 6

Week 7

Week 10


UI/UX Design Document

For Project 2 of Application Design, after completing the proposal documentation and selecting the app, we are to create a document detailing our plan and strategy for its redesign and development. This document should cover our research on the original app, which includes surveys, interviews, and card sorting. Once carried out, we must analyze the collected data to derive insights for the direction, improvements, and redesign of our version of the app. Then moving on, using the collected data we must develop user personas representing our target users and create a user journey map that outlines the steps users will take while interacting with the redesigned app and additionally, create a user flow chart to describe how content in the redesigned app will be structured for optimal usability. Lastly, we must to detail all the app features and identify the MVP features for development.


To start off, I first created a set of questions for the survey and interview. I have used mostly the same questions for consistency's sake and to find out the difference that there may be in answers despite asking the same questions to the individual interviewees and survey participants.

Fig 1.0 Interview + Survey Questions PDF

Following this, I then scouted 3 participants for the interview and carried out interviews with them. Below is a transcript of their responses.

Fig 1.1 Interviewee Responses Transcript PDF

I also created the survey and sent it out to many people in order to gather as many responses as possible and ended up getting 53 total responses, however at the time of creating the document, I analyzed it based on 31 responses as time was running short. 

Fig 1.2 Survey Responses Transcript

In the end, the interviewees responses are more qualitative in nature. Questions were answered in more detail as interviewees approached them open-endedly. It is in contrast to the survey, which has more quantitative data- a larger sample was collected although responses are more brief and concise due to the nature of surveys. However, both research methods proved useful, as similar insights could be derived in their responses and many of the same points were reiterated.

Additionally, the card sorting was also carried out with 7 participants and done through optimal workshop. The purpose of the card sorting was to discover how users perceive and categorise information- thus I have used the method of a mixed card sorting which allowed for non standardized categories to be created. This research method too proved to be useful in determining the redesign and development of the app as half of the participants had created a new category for the "History" feature which was unexpected, while the other half categorised it under "Home" which shows the difference in thinking and information hierarchy of users. 

1.3 Standardization Grid

Fig 1.4 Similarity Matrix

With the gathered data, I could then proceed to create the document which details a comprehensive plan on the redesign and development of the Popit medication app- which includes the user site map, flow chart, and mvp features.

Final UI/UX Design Document

Fig 1.5 UI/UX Design Document PDF


I found Project 2 of Application Design I the most arduous, as it required many thorough steps in creating an extensive UI/UX design document. Although, with the help of this project, I was able to learn how to rethink and redevelop an existing app using a methodical process based on analysis and research. Using the data from my research I was able to get more insights into what might be better for users in practice than what I think might be subjectively which was important.

In summary, this project served as more evidence of the value of careful investigation and evaluation in UI/UX design. The redesign process was greatly aided by the insights gathered from my research, which I hope will produce an app design that is more efficient and user-friendly. Aside from this the procedure also demonstrated the importance of documenting since it made the redesign process more structured and transparent, and that will help guide me in creating the Lo-fi and High-fi prototypes later on.


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