Design Research Dissertation

22.04.24 - 26.07.24 / Week 1 - Week 14
Design Research Dissertation (DIS60304) 
Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Creative Media








Week 1

  • No feedback as it was the first class. Introduction to module.

Week 2

  • Find the key points highlighted in the interview and focus group answers to draw themes for discussion.
  • Add structure for discussion.

Week 3

  • Describe the methods you used in the discussion.
  • Problem statement is good and can be maintained.

Week 4

  • Introduction is good and well put. Doesn't need much change except some rewording.
  • Cite the article to direct the reader and be more clear in wording.
  • Try to make literature review more concise to keep to the word count.

Week 5

  • Maybe cut down the introduction.
  • Save the introduction to various types of games and move to discussion.
  • Compare the papers to each other instead of only describing them.
  • Remove Chandra's paper as the paper is too out of date, try finding a more relevant and new one or even cut down the amount of paper's to review.

Week 6

  • Break the discussion into 3 paragraphs as it looks too long as 1.
  • Work on wording when saying "the study"-must be very clear which paper youre referring to.
  • Describe Zamri's paper.
  • Overall looks okay.

Week 7

  • Fix wording and semantics.
  • Show some evidence from interviewees by inserting 1-2 quotes and citing examples they mentioned.
  • Relate back to design as part of the discussion.
  • Show visual examples.
  • Discuss your own opinions as a researcher in the discussion.
  • Recap the research questions where it is going to be addressed.
  • Research methodology is mostly good.
  • Maybe include interviewees pictures.
  • Include the mention of the original 4 interviewees in part of the research method.
  • Insert consent forms in research methodology and link it back to the appendix.

Week 8

  • No feedback since it was Independent Learning Week.

Week 9

  • Darker purple and light blue colour scheme seems to be the best.
  • Very clear concept.
  • The circuit idea gels everything together.
  • 2nd one from the left in aesthetic examples seems to be the best and most aligned with the concept.
  • Typefaces will be left up to me- agreement on eurostile being the ideal choice for body text.
  • May want to explore yourself surrounding the reference of the layout example on the right.
  • Well prepared.

Week 10

  • Quite confirmed with your idea last week
  • Dont take too long, and do be weary of the little things that were discussed in visual desin in general- such as design principles.
  • Will leave you to it.

Week 11

  • Certain parts can be more experimental but still readable.
  • Ensure you are breaking your text down in a way that is still legible and easy to follow for the reader.

Week 12

  • Abstract is good.
  • Write more about UI/UX in general first
  • Problem statement should be a walkthrough on how you position the focus of your research
  • Introduction details what the research is about

Week 13

  • You may summarise generally the format of the questions
  • mention the consent forms and link back the question samples to the appendix in research methodology.
  • contextualise the information in the first paragraph of the research methodology to your research and include the purpose of it.
  • Work on some of the wording such as "in this research"-could be more clear which research you are referring to
  • Delete the highlighted parts

Week 14

  • In between where you describe specific examples try to weave in the participants direct quotes without straying too far from the word count.
  • Move some of the discussion to conclusion.
  • Overall the discussion is well written, just need to insert quotes from the interviewees/participants.
  • Ensure the references include only what is cited in this paper.
  • Introduction & problem statement seems good, just add in the list of research questions and objectives in the problem statement at the end
  • Appendices can be shorter versions or samples instead of economise on page number


Overall, when reflecting back this module was pretty tough. Although it may seem easy at a first glance since we had our gathered material and data from design research methodology to reference and use, structuring the dissertation into a real paper was hard since the format was very particular. Watching out for word counts and wording also proved to be particularly challenging since there were many times when I had gone above the word count and had to condense the information in a way that would still be comprehensive but short enough. Due to this, it feels as though some sacrifice had to be made in certain sections in complexity of explanation- although I tried to do my best to retain this. One discouraging part of this module however was in my turnitin report. Although I hadn't used ai, as ai detectors in general are faulty it wound up detecting a good portion of my paper which was saddening since I had worked very hard on it- this happened too with my plagiarism, even detecting irrelevant data such as titles for each section or the cover page making the percentage turn out higher- though after closer inspection it could be seen that it isn't the case. Still, though the plagiarism issue was resolved, the ai issue was not- I was quite frustrated at the accusation and potential this had to affect my marks, so I ended up offering to download and share my entire chatgpt log history to prove i did not use ai. After skimming through some of the detected sections as well, I can't help but wonder of its accuracy or reliability, as it ended up detecting some quotes of my interviewees or focus group participants which made me question the reliability of the tool even more. It was frustrating since it seemed to be detecting sentences or paragraphs with more sophisticated or complex use of language, however, as I was writing an academic paper, I had tried my best to keep the language that way, not knowing there would be consequence. In the end, it felt as though I had to "dumb down" the language in a way for it not to be detected by it which made me feel a bit annoyed and at worst, an insult to my intelligence, almost as if it is unappreciated since it encourages easier and simpler sentences as those wont be detected. Designing a visual publication also was a bit challenging, I went through a few design iterations before landing on one that was satisfactory- I really liked the idea of the wires/circuit showing "connection" since one of the main focus' of my research was on "player engagement" so having design elements that connected to that was I felt was a good visual representation of my idea and what I wanted to portray. The kreate assignment was by far the easiest, since it was mostly summarizing our research into a shorter format, so I didn't have much problems with that. In summary, the module was a very arduous journey throughout, though I tried my best, and I am very grateful to my module teacher (Dr Jip Yinchi) for guiding me through this entire process with such patience and diligence. She is a wonderful teacher, I will miss her. I hope to impart the knowledge I learned in this module elsewhere, whether in future work, or personal projects, since I am still quite interested in the topic of my research.


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