Experiential Design / Project 3
Week 08 - Week 10
Experiential Design (MMD60204)
Creative Experience Design Project Prototype
For project 3 of experiential design, after approval of the proposal I
could then start working on the prototype of my project. The objective of
this project is to test out the key functionality of our project, although
the output may not necessarily be a finished visually designed project or
we will discover certain limitations to our project. Here, we will then be
able to gauge on our prototype functionality and our ability to creatively
think on alternatives to achieve the desired outcome.
Before I started in unity, I first designed the visual UI design of my
assets in Figma for reference and to import in unity later on.
Fig 1.0 Colour Info Mockup
First off, I started by creating my database and license key for the project
on the vuforia website named "ARColour" which I then imported into unity. I
have used 6 different image targets ranging from the colours of the rainbow
which I found online and have tested their detection abilities ensuring that
they are consistently scannable as well. To be consistent in theme, they are
all nature related.
Fig 1.7 Red Colour Target
Fig 2.0 Blue Colour Target
Fig 2.1 Green Colour Target
Fig 2.2 Purple Colour Target
Then to start in unity, I started by importing my image targets into unity
and creating coloured spheres for each one corresponding to the colour each
image for better visual representation in the AR experience. On the right
section, I have filled in the script components and placed them under
Fig 2.4 MenuManagement + Collection Link of Single Target Scripts
To create the detection of the single target instances, in the "On
TargetFound" section on the right, I have inserted my single target script
and linked it for each image colour target. The reason for the creation of
single target scripts is because several of the same image targets will be
used again in a multi-image target scan for the colour mixer/complementary
colour feature of my app, thus there is a need to separate these instances
in order for them to scan individually and work on their own separately. I
have named this script "DisplayDescription", and using the script from the
MenuManagement, I could then activate/display the colour info and 3D
sphere of a specific image colour target in AR when successfully scanned.
Similarly, in the "On TargetLost" section, the colour info and sphere will
be hidden when the AR object is out of the marker's range. This was
repeated for each image colour target.
Fig 2.6 Adding Single Image Targets Functionality
For the multi-target functionalities of my app on the left side, under MenuManagement, I have several supporting AR scripts on the right section. Under "Detect Multi AR", in this script, I have divided it into several parts. For example, in the "ToBrown" section that there are parts like Purple, Yellow, Brown, and Purple YellowDesc. In this script, I created the logic so that when the purple and yellow descriptions appear together, a brown 3D sphere will be displayed along with its colour info description. Thus, when scanning the purple colour image target + the yellow image target, the brown sphere and colour info description will appear in AR.
Fig 2.7 Multi Target Script
So far, for the prototype I have done blue+red, and yellow+purple. However,
the same logic I have used here will apply to other colors later on.
Fig 2.8 Adding Multi-Image Target Functionality
In displaying the actual colour info description in AR, I have used the
backdrop asset I created previously in Figma and placed them as a source
image under each colour single and multi image target. I have also
imported my font "LexendDeca" -regular and bold into unity to use as it is
what I had used in figma since I thought it was suitable for the project.
This font will be used again in other colour image target colour info +
tint/tone/shade description displays, menu, and the quiz later on. Then, I
overlaid two UI text instances on it- one for "colour info" and one for
the description itself ensuring I followed the visual prototype example I
created in the text settings, adjusting colour, alignment, size, etc.
Fig 2.9 Colour Info Description Asset
Fig 3.0 Linking Asset to Targets
Fig 3.2 Text Settings of Colour Info
Fig 3.3 Text Settings of Colour Descriptions
I then repeated this process with all the other colours and
multi-target colours, inserting the individual descriptions I made for
each one.
Moving onto the home menu, I first created a canvas and coloured it
according to my visual prototype design. This is then followed by the
insertion of my logo and menu button assets which I have imported into
unity and placed onto the canvas. Then, I overlaid text on top of each
button which labels what each button leads the user to for app
Fig 3.4 Designing Home Menu
Fig 3.5 Adding Button Functionality
This is followed by the linking of the on-click functionality with
to "MenuManagement" where the scripts are located to make the
button responsive. When clicking the button, it will first play a
short video for the onboarding which tells the user to rotate
their phone in order to scan more optimally, then, it will open up
the camera. To do this, I used a video clip I found online of a
phone rotating instruction which I imported into unity and
sorted/linked under "MenuManagement" inspector and set it to play
once. The rest of the buttons are also done this way, where they
are sorted under "MenuManagement" and linked with their respective
scripts that I have created for them. In the later finished
version, they will be able to go to their respective features
which is opening up the camera for "TINT/TONE/SHADE MODE" and the
quiz for "QUIZ".
Fig 3.6 Rotate Your Phone Onboarding Video
Fig 3.7 Linking "SCANNER" to Scene
Fig 3.9 Adding Pressed Colour
I've also created a script to load the scene and exit upon
clicking on the "<" button on the top left of the screen as
well as scripts to handle the loading of different scenes and
exiting them, and scripts to smoothly re-position and rotate the
screen back to portrait after scanning with landscape
Fig 4.0 Adding Back Button
Fig 4.1 Load & Exit Script
Fig 4.3 Screen Orientation Script 1
Prototype Presentation
Fig 4.6 Prototype Presentation Video
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