Information Design / Exercises
16.12.24 - 07.01.25 / Week 1 - Week 15
Information Design (DST61004)
Information Design (DST61004)
Exercise 1
For the first exercise of information design, we are to gather a set of
objects and separate it into category such as color, shape, pattern, and
other quantifiable factor. We must also arrange them into a presentable
layout or chart with relevant indicators written out with pens to help in
visualising the quantity and data. The examples of objects that can be use
are buttons, coins, lego pieces, M&Ms, and more.
The requirements are the following:
- Photo of the random objects before sorting out
- Objects sorted out by categories (2 - 5 category)
- Write and design the information on a piece of papers (A3 drawing paper)
First I gathered all my buttons. In total I had 101 buttons
Telling a Story
All of the buttons coalesce into one, unified flower. Each colored button
represents the petal of a different flower, to represent the natural
biodiversity and varied beauty of flowers in nature which is also represented
by the buttons coming in all shapes, sizes, colors, all serving their own
aesthetic purpose. But they all serve the same purpose, just in different
ways, for different reasons, or for different visual preferences, and so they
are all united as one which demonstrates their aesthetic contrast but unity in
purpose. Just like flowers of all types in nature, we understand them all as
"flowers" but have varied purposes and can be used differently for different
purposes. There is a dichotomous contrast between the natural and the
synthetic, flowers and buttons, yet they are not so different after all. At
the core of the flower is a flower button of each of the individual colors,
showing that each color petal at its essence represents an individual,
separate flower which come together into the uniform flower. It takes on a
sort of self-similar fractalization shape in this way. The animal buttons
within the flower symbolizes the unity of life, coming together from the same
origin, but also because animals help plants as well- like how bees pollinate
flowers, or how their decaying bodies act as fertilizer for plants to nourish
themselves with, and so this is why this flower is the Flower of Life. Just
like the Kabbalah as the Tree of Life, it represents the nature of the
universe and the interconnectedness of all existence.
Exercise 2
For the second exercise of information design, we are to organize a group of information into a visual infographic poster that combines and utilizes the LATCH principles (Minimum 4) utilising a digital photo editing/illustration software. We are allowed to reuse readily available images online but must create other visuals to complete the poster.
The requirements are the following:
- Size: 1240 x 1750 px
Initial Ideas
- SCP Foundation
- The Backrooms
When consulting, I presented the these two ideas since by nature they already have many categorical elements as part of their stories.
1st Idea - SCP Foundation:
The SCP Foundation is a fictional secret organization dedicated to securing, containing, and protecting supernatural or anomalous entities, objects, and phenomena. Their goal is to keep these anomalies hidden from the public to maintain normalcy and prevent chaos. The Foundation operates with strict protocols, advanced technology, and a classified network of facilities worldwide.
The SCP universe is built around a massive online collaborative writing project on the official website, featuring thousands of SCP entries, detailed reports on different anomalies, each with unique properties, containment procedures, and sometimes even deep lore. It is a mix of science fiction, mystery, and horror, with a strong focus on secrecy, danger, and the unknown.
Since the foundation deals with so many different anomalies, they are all named differently numerically and even given nicknames, and split into different categories such as the object class system which describes how dangerous/difficult an anomaly is and or to contain. There is also a natural hierarchy based on the object class system, from least to most dangerous, thus it seemed like a good option for the project.
Initial Classification Ideas
Location - Map of SCP facilities and known anomaly locations.
Alphabet - A-Z list of notable SCPs and their nicknames (e.g., SCP-049, SCP-173, SCP-682).
Time - Timeline of major SCP discoveries, containment breaches, or key
Foundation events.
Category - SCP Object Classes (Safe, Euclid, Keter, etc)
Hierarchy - Ranking SCPs by danger level/containment difficulty.
Initial Visual Poster Ideas:
Facility map pinpointing SCP containment locations
An A-Z sidebar listing major SCPs with descriptions
Timeline of critical SCP events (containment breakthroughs, breaches, site
Colour-coded chart categorizing SCPs by Object Class.
Pyramid ranking SCPs by danger level (e.g., harmless → reality-breaking
2nd Idea - The Backrooms:
My second idea was The Backrooms, which is quite similar to what the SCP Foundation is being an online fictional story that people can contribute to on their official website as well. The concept is about a vast, interconnected maze of liminal spaces that exist outside of normal reality, made up of countless levels, each with its own unique environment, rules, and dangers. Some levels resemble abandoned buildings or endless tunnels, while others defy logic entirely featuring floating structures or strange landscapes and scattered throughout some levels are entities- some hostile, some neutral, and some entirely unknown as well as items that may or may not help you. Those who end up in the backrooms must navigate their way through the unpredictable landscape and challenges of each level if they wish to escape.
The categorical nature of the story works similarly, as the levels have different difficulty/survivability depending on what it contains as some are more safe or dangerous than others which is why it was another idea I had.
Initial Classification Ideas
Location - Map of different Backrooms levels and their
Alphabet - A-Z list of notable entities, levels, or items
(e.g., The Hound, The Smiler, Almond Water).
Time - Timeline of explorers' discoveries and Backrooms lore
Category - Levels grouped by hazard level (Safe, Unsafe, Dead
Zone, etc)
Hierarchy - Ranking levels by difficulty or survivability
Initial Visual Poster Ideas:
Network-style map showing how different levels connect.
An A-Z section highlighting creatures or objects
Timeline of Backrooms expeditions/discoveries/lore events
Table categorizing levels by difficulty and danger
Survival guide ranking levels from safest to deadliest
After consulting more I was told I could pick any idea as they were both good and interesting, and after deliberation I settled on my 1st idea; the SCP Foundation, since I thought it fit the project better and would be more visually interesting as a poster as there is somewhat of a consistent theming unlike the backrooms story.
Following this I then finalised the information into LATCH principles.
Final Classification
Location - Map of an SCP site and the containment locations for each SCP in the poster.
Alphabet - List of notable SCPs and sorting their nicknames by alphabetical order (e.g., SCP-049, SCP-173, SCP-682)
Time - N/A
Category - SCP Object Classes (Safe, Euclid, Keter, etc) + Hazard Classes (Cognitohazard, Sentient Object, etc)
Hierarchy - Ranking SCPs by danger level/containment difficulty from bottom to top
I chose to do the most popular SCPs, as they were ones that were given nicknames by the community, so the Alphabet part of LATCH could be achieved as well. However I chose to not include time as even with the most popular SCPs, some did not include any sort of time I could implement into the poster since part of the writing on the website is "redacted" to maintain secrecy, enhance mystery, and prevent dangerous details from being exposed, both in-universe for security and narratively to engage readers.
Chosen SCPs + Classifications
Safe, Euclid, and Keter describe containment difficulty, while classifications such as "sentient object" describe the nature or properties of the anomaly. Each SCP is also sorted alphabetically.
SAFE (Easily and safely contained; anomalies that pose little to no threat as long as proper procedures are followed)
- SCP-131 ("Eye Pods") - Two small, friendly, teardrop-shaped creatures with a single large eye each. They follow people around, are affectionate, and completely harmless. → SENTIENT OBJECT
- SCP-914 ("The Clockworks") - A large mechanical device that can refine objects placed inside, altering them in unpredictable ways based on the chosen setting. → NONSTANDARD SPACETIME
- SCP-999 ("Tickle Monster") - A playful, orange, gelatinous blob that brings extreme happiness and relieves stress, sadness, or other negative states in anyone who is in its presence → SENTIENT OBJECT
EUCLID (Unpredictable; anomalies that require special containment measures due to unknown or inconsistent behavior)
- SCP-079 ("Old AI") - A highly intelligent, self-aware computer program stored in outdated hardware with a bad attitude and a desire to escape containment → SENTIENT OBJECT
- SCP-049 ("Plague Doctor") - A humanoid wearing a plague doctor outfit that believes it must "cure" people, reanimating them into living corpses → SENTIENT AND VIOLENT
- SCP-096 ("Shy Guy") - A tall, thin humanoid that becomes extremely distressed and dangerous if anyone sees its face, relentlessly pursuing them no matter where they are → COGNITOHAZARD
KETER (Extremely dangerous; anomalies that are difficult or nearly impossible to contain, often posing a major threat)
- SCP-682 ("Hard-to-Destroy Reptile") - A massive, highly intelligent, and nearly indestructible reptilian creature that hates all life and adapts to survive anything thrown at it → SENTIENT AND VIOLENT
- SCP-106 ("The Old Man") - A decayed-looking humanoid that can phase through solid matter and drag people into a personal pocket dimension filled with unknown horrors → SENTIENT AND VIOLENT
- SCP-939 ("With Many Voices") - Pack-hunting creatures that lack eyes but mimic human voices to lure prey into traps → SENTIENT AND VIOLENT
First I created the border design and separated the page into two major sections. The top for the object class, hierarchy, and SCPs, and the bottom for the site map and containment locations.
for looks
similar to warning tape
Final LATCH Infographic
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